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January 2, 2011

Belonging: Point One

 C. Topic Sentence

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, human beings need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, as well as respect.

    1.    POINT

Kowalski killed over thirteen men in Korea and was honoured for it; this thoroughly disgusted him. Although he was a respected war veteran, he failed to receive any sort of respect from his family. After the passing of his wife, Walt distanced himself from others due to his own pain and prejudice. When a Hmong family moved in next door, he was irritated by their traditions and wished them away; soon after, Walt finds himself more connected to people of another race and culture than his own flesh and blood.


Son of a bitch. I've got more in common with these goddamned gooks than my own spoiled-rotten family.


Sue invited Walt into her home and although there were many different customs such as: don’t touch a person on their head, staring into a persons eyes isn’t respectful, Walt enjoyed their company. A Shaman, Kor Khue, read Walt and exposed the darkness of his life; he’s disrespected, scared of the past and he’s stopped living years and years ago. The words of the Shaman were a revelation to Walt.

"Hmong people rely heavily on their spiritual belief system to assist them through disease"

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