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January 2, 2011

Neglection: Point One

B. Topic Sentence

On Remembrance Day we honour war veterans for their service and the risk they took fighting for their country, and although Walt Kowalski is a Korean War veteran, and a dutiful father of two, he is unappreciated by his family.

    1.    POINT

Walt’s wife passed away and at the funeral, a place where respect is expected, his grandchildren were mocking the ceremony and his sons were discussing how miserable their father looked. Walt’s sons, Mitch and Steve, did not understand that their children should be respectful at this time of mourning, and seem to have forgotten all of what their parents did for them when they were growing up; they should’ve been more respectful as well. Instead of consoling their father, however stern he appeared, they sat unhappily beside their materialistic family.


Look at the Old Man glaring at Ashley. He can't even tone it down at Mom's funeral?

STEVE: What do you expect? Dad's still living in the ‘50s. He expects his granddaughter to dress a little more modestly.


Walt did not expect more than a little respect from his family at his late wife’s funeral. Dressing with a shirt that covers her mid drift is not much to ask of a young woman and it is baffling that Walt’s son could not teach his daughter that. It seems unsettling for Walt to know that he failed to impress values and morals on his sons.

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