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January 2, 2011

Self-Esteem: Point Two

    2.    POINT

It is evident throughout the entire novel that Dolores suffers from low self-esteem but throughout the duration of her therapy, she slowly gained back her lost esteem. Whilst living with Dante, Dolores seems eager to please him, disregarding  her own feelings. After her abortion, Dolores is deeply depressed, and when she finds out that Dante used her savings to buy a van, and was having an affair; she was pushed to her limit. When her grandmother died, and left the house to her, Dolores exposed her past to Dante before leaving him. By taking action, she maintained her self-respect and after reuniting with old friends and acquiring a new one, she even gained back her self-esteem.


“For a second I thought he was going to hit me. But I couldn’t stop. I’d propelled myself in some way that felt both scary and right.” (Lamb 401)


By standing up to Dante, Dolores was standing up to everyone who has done her wrong in her life.

In conclusion, both Dolores and Walt regained their self-esteem as well as self-respect once they became involved with others and realized their self-worth and potential.

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